Friday 7 September 2012

Fat Loss Factor Review ===!!!=== Getting rid of extra fat quickly and easily

Because Forum topics often appear containing requests on how to effectively lose weight, I decided to write a small FAQ on the topic. Nothing new and revolutionary are you will not read, so experienced and knowledgeable people here will learn nothing. Many come to the forum and write that do not eat anything, and in training horse herd as a whole under the AAS. But the problem is that they do not think is right to eat and how to exercise correctly. Parsley morning, carrots for lunch and half for dinner bulbs - does not help the efficient fat burning, but on the contrary, things can only become worse. From such a diet the body falls into a terrible stress, metabolism slows down, you will sorely be missed carbohydrates for normal training and, without thinking twice, people will throw a diet and workout in the gym. So how does no harm to the body and mind to effectively lose weight & fat? The answer is simple - carb (protein) diet, high volume training and aerobic exercise more info about Fat Loss Factor Review you can read here

 What is the (protein) diet? Subject to this diet you do not need to consider the intake of calories. basic principle - is the maximum cut down carbohydrates, your main diet should be protein products. You must completely abandon the simple carbohydrates (sugar, chocolate, bread, etc.), as the total fat, try to eat low-fat foods. just a day you should have 1-2 reception of complex carbohydrates and 4-5 meals that contains protein. In total, one day you should go 5-6 meals. of complex carbohydrates can have all cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, etc.), and potatoes. Of proteins - the meat, poultry, fish, seafood, cheese, cheese, eggs, beans and nuts. I think it is clear that all these products should be bold \ grease. Unfortunately, the need to exclude fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of sugars (carbohydrates): bananas, oranges, sweet apples, beets, etc. Can be added to the diet - lettuce, peas, cucumber. Example of a supply: 1 point (only in the morning, as the basic amount used daily allowance of carbohydrates) Buckwheat \ rice \ oatmeal - complex carbohydrates, 2 reception kefir, cottage 3 reception Beans , tea \ ​​coffee without sugar 4 reception Bird \ meat \ fish - a couple 5 reception Cottage cheese (low fat), cheese (hard and milk), six reception can repeat some of the techniques of 02.05 during the day you can not forget about the use of adequate count of water (non-carbonated, no sugary drinks!) What's the point of this diet and the need for such frequent eating protein products? A feature of this diet is that you don't have a sense of constant hunger, as on other diets, and after this diet does not gain weight again, unless specifically try. Frequent meals provide almost constant supply of protein in the body, and the assimilation of protein the body needs a lot of energy (carbohydrates), and because carbohydrates cut almost maximal, then the body has to eliminate its own fat stores. Now about the training and aerobic stress. aerobic exercise - is running, fast walking, and all that is associated with more rapid breathing . Confine ourselves jogging or brisk walking. Run or walk it does not matter. The main thing we must remember the fact that the body is fat loss after 20 minutes of continuous aerobic activity with the desired pulse (220 - age * 0.7), but this does not mean that you should run without a break 2 hours, enough 20-40 minutes of brisk walking or jogging Tell us about fat loss factor in detail.

The load can continue with the iron in the form of high-volume training. Your training with iron should be built mostly of basic exercises . You have to perform a large number of sets and reps (4 x 15) with an interval of not more rest one minute. Shell weight is not important, the main thing to work in a range of 4 * 15 . During exercise you should perform at least 6-8 exercises. The total duration of the exercise with the iron and jog \ walk should take about 2 hours. The longer the workout, the more fat loss. personal experience, and not someone else's theoretical calculations, is good evidence that a clear (even categorical) compliance with these simple rules of nutrition and exercise leads to reliable and quick results (significant changes in the structure of your favorite body you notice already in the first month).


  1. It is also important for the beginners to take one day off between workouts so that you can the soothe the soreness which beginners experience while exercising.

  2. Boring repetitive cardio exercise routines are NOT the best way to lose body fat and uncover those six pack abs.
    dozens of mistakes most people make in choosing the wrong ab exercises..
