Tuesday 3 July 2012

Fat Loss Factor Reviews - How to lose weight with wheat, Rice and Soybeans

 Now I would like to give you some tips on how to lose weight with herbs, and tell some of the secrets of your favorite foods. So, how to lose weight using herbs? Fat Loss Factor the most effective and popular way to lose weight now is eating sprouted wheat seeds. Sprouted wheat in all the diets they occupy a truly royal place. This is due to the fact that, in addition to weight loss, wheat improve hair growth, vision, dental health, well-being and mood. Method of preparation: 50-100 g of wheat grains were washed thoroughly several times. Washed seeds left in the wide enameled vessel. The water must remain at the top layer of grains without covering it completely.
 Cover the container with a cloth and leave the seeds in a warm place for a day. After a day of grain and washed again melyat in a coffee grinder. Then immediately pour the hot milk or water. Add honey to taste and butter (in small amounts). In the food are just fresh sprouts, but if you do not have time to use everything you store them in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. With the wheat sprouted grains you get the full range of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for your beauty, harmony and health. It is safe to eat this dish for lunch, this is probably the best option for this. Good and valuable food for healthy, especially for obese people is rice . Rice feeds half of humanity, it is a staple food for most Asian nations. Rice contains a lot of starch, protein (but less than other crops), amino acids and vitamins (only in the shell parts of the grain).

He is like a balanced diet: the rice is all that is necessary for the person. Potassium and sodium are there in a ratio of 5:1 is required to maintain the human body acid-alkaline balance. But all this only if you use a solid figure, with no grinding and polishing all the more, because the shell goes all the B vitamins, iron compounds, some toning and stimulating substances, which are directly under the hull of the grain. Now in our stores is available brown or brown rice, cleaned only on the outer shell, the most useful of all other kinds of rice (the degree of processing). Just remember that the figure should be prepared without spices in slightly salted water. How to lose weight using herbs? Very popular Fat Loss Factor Program in recent decades, the plant is the soybean , it is not without reason, deserved all the praise in his speech, address, and so want to tell you a little about this amazing plant read more Fat Loss Factor.

The history of soybean cultivation is estimated 6,000 years. There is every reason to believe that this is one of the oldest cultivated plants that people use from time immemorial. The center of origin of cultivated soybean is a Northeast China - Manchuria. From its primary center in ancient times soybeans began to spread to other areas - Japan, South China, Korea, India, in the Russian Far East. 200-300 years ago, soybeans began to penetrate in Georgia, Ukraine, Kuban and Northern Caucasus. In Western Europe and the United States. soy has become known only in 1712, but widely known only after the International Exhibition in Vienna in 1878, which showed a great variety of Chinese dishes from it: as for the peoples of Southeast Asia, soybeans are the basis national cuisine. Images found on soybeans stones, bones and tortoise shells, it is reflected in many of the monuments of the national epic of South-East Asia.

On it is composed songs, legends, tales of the miraculous as the plant - and other people in joy and in trouble, the savior from hunger and disease, the standard-bearer of courage, diligence, generosity, fidelity and consent. Soybean meeting was part of rituals of spring, autumn days of prosperity and of table fun. The seeds of this plant during ceremonies Chinese emperor sowed with his own hands.

Fat Loss Factor Reviews - Soybean Best For Fat Loss

 Fat Loss Factor Review: Soybean plant mass always wanted a long Treatment to give the smell of cheese, ham, sausage, eggs. who traveled to China in his book "Under the sky of China. Imitation meat, poultry, fish, soy. Soy sauce. Spicy seasonings of soy. Probably not such a dish, which could not be made from soybeans, and there is no dish that because soy would not be more delicious ... "is particularly struck by her suggested in one of the Buddhist monasteries exclusively" monastic "and vegetarian dishes. "We were offered a list of dishes. Translator translates the name carefully: roast goose, shark fin, fried too, sparrows and cabbage, chicken with noodles and mushrooms. From the surprise reveal your mouth. And it is Buddhist cuisine?

Where is vegetarianism? 

 That is before you a piece of roast goose. The brown fried crust. Small bumps, as the crust of an ordinary goose. You try it. Goose, goose without a doubt. But you are deceiving eyes deceive your taste. This goose is not a single gram of meat. This is a Chinese magic, which is made from soy and spices can do whatever he wants. Already have a taste of this snake. Chicken has the look and taste of real chicken, there's even a stone. And just cutting them, we are guessing that this is the bamboo shoots and all you can eat ... " Not to mention the Eastern countries, where soy is cultivated for thousands of years and used as food in the form of a diverse, soy products are more widely distributed and used in many Western countries, America, and now we have.

Fat Loss Factor: Soy products - is not only an ideal source of valuable vegetable protein, but according to recent research scientists - an effective natural remedy. Thousands of years ago people understand this intuitively, but now science has confirmed these "magical" properties of soy. That is why, according to leading nutritionists of the world, soy products will form the basis of human nutrition in the XXI century. Protein - the basic building blocks required for the growth of any living organism. Among the cultivated crops have mostly contains soy protein. Compare: in wheat grain contains 12-15% protein, corn - 10-12%, oats - 13-14% of peas - 23-28%, and soy - 36-48%! At the same organism digestibility of soy protein has no equal among the other plants. Soy protein, unlike other plant protein, similar to the protein of animal origin: almost the same composition of amino acids. In soybean seeds, it is 14 times larger than in chicken eggs, and 3.5 times higher than in beef Read More Fat Loss Factor.

The benefit of soy protein to animal protein is that it enters the stomach is a man without cholesterol animal fats. This means that replacing animal protein with soy reduced the risk of diseases associated with increased fragility of blood vessels and deposition of salts. Amino acid composition of soy protein supplements amino acid composition of cereals. Therefore, soy blends well with grasses. How to lose weight with herbs. The proportions between the soy and grains should be in favor of grains as well as soybeans contain 3-4 times more protein. With a large amount of protein in soybeans low in carbohydrates, but this is only a plus, since it makes it an indispensable food for patients suffering from obesity. In addition, the protein products from soybeans do not give those unintended consequences that come with long-term nutritional purely meat products (in addition, we have agreed to restrict them in our diet more for weight & fat loss info-->Fat Loss Factor Reviews. Most (88-90%), water soluble soy protein.

These proteins are easily digested by the body, and that is what soy favorably not only on the grain, but also from other legumes. Therefore it is better to use the technology of cooking in which the water-soluble proteins are in solution, ie, pulverized, and boiled soy healthier than fried or baked. In soybean also contains 17-20% oil that exceeds even meat products: beef - 1.5 times, chicken - 5 times, and eggs - almost double. At the same caloric soybeans second only to pork. Earlier I wrote that our goal is to partially replace animal fats to vegetable fats, and soy in it for us a beautiful assistant. In addition, of all vegetable oils soybean oil has the highest biological activity and digested by 98%. Soybean oil - a great product for salads and for cooking various dishes.